Math in Society

This book is a survey of contemporary mathematical topics, most non-algebraic. The text is designed so that most chapters are independent, allowing the instructor to choose a selection of topics to be covered. Emphasis is placed on the applicability of the mathematics. Core material for each topic is covered in the main text, with additional depth available through exploration exercises appropriate for in-class, group, or individual investigation. This book is also available for purchase on Amazon.
License: Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike. This license is considered to be some to be the most open license. It allows reuse, remixing, and distribution (including commercial), but requires any remixes use the same license as the original. This limits where the content can be remixed into, but on the other hand ensures that no-one can remix the content then put the remix under a more restrictive license.
- DOC. A DOC file can be opened using Microsoft Word or OpenOffice.org. It is an editable format
- PDF. A Portable Document Format (PDF) file is can be opened using the free Acrobat Reader. It is not an editable format.
Openness Rating (0-4): 3.5
- Problem Solving
- Voting Theory
- Weighted Voting
- Apportionment
- Fair Division
- Graph Theory
- Scheduling
- Growth Models
- Finance Math
- Statistics - collecting data
- Statistics - describing data
- Probability
- Sets
- Historical Counting Systems
- Cryptography
- Fractals
- Solutions to Selected Exercises
- MyOpenMath / Lumen OHM online homework. MyOpenMath is a free online homework system, built on the open source IMathAS assessment platform.
It provides randomized, algorithmically generated homework with automated grading of numerical and algebraic answers, similar to WebAssign and MyMathLab.
It also provides a course management system with gradebook, file posting, discussion forums, etc.
Assessment sets have been created for this textbook, which may be available for self-study by students, or can copied as a starter course shell by faculty.
MyOpenMath use is free with community support through forums. For Washington State faculty, the WAMAP.org site also mirrors this content.
Lumen OHM is a commercial alternative to MyOpenMath that provides support for faculty and large scale adoption and administration, service level agreements, and additional curated course bundles. - xyzHomework.com online homework. xyzHomework.com is a commercial online homework site that provides randomized homework custom-built content for OpenStax books and mirrors some of the content from MyOpenMath. They provide support and access to additional content.
- Videos. See the comments below for details.
- CourseWare package. Courseware packages typically include a course structure with syllabus, some form of homework assignments, and some type of assessments. They may also include: videos, lecture notes, handouts, worksheets, quizzes, etc. See comments below for details
Notes: The courseware pack on MyOpenMath was designed for an online course, with reading, homework, quizzes, and writing assignments. There are video playlists on YouTube for all chapters.