

Please note that OpenTextBookStore is not the publisher of the books listed on this site. Each book is made available in print by its author independently; this site simply provides a consilidated listing of available books.

Most of the books listed in the OpenTextBookStore catalog are not available through the Ingram catalog. Many don't even have traditional ISBN numbers. In most cases, the book authors chose this intentionally to keep the print cost down, since making the book available at wholesale for wider distribution nearly doubles the price. The exception are the OpenStax titles, which are typically available for bookstore purchase through indiCo.

Bookstores wishing to carry open textbooks typically order through the usual channels (Lulu or Amazon), then mark up the books as usual. While this means the bookstore will be selling the book at a slightly higher price than available online, the convenience of getting the book immediately at the bookstore is often worth the extra couple dollars to students.